On Monday 21 November 2016 at 4:30 p.m. in the headquarters of the Center and at the invitation from Al-Liqa’ Center for Religious and Heritage Studies in the Holy Land, and in the presence of a number of clergymen, academicians and interested people, Dr. Mahdi Abdul- Hadi, president of the Palestinian Academic Society for International Affairs (PASIA) delivered a lecture entitled: “The Palestinian Agenda after Fifty Years of Occupation.” Dr. Abdul- Hadi began his lecture by a historical account of the Palestinian Question. He discussed Balfour Declaration which was announced one hundred years ago. Then he talked about the plan put forth by Britain to break up the Arab world and dividing it into helpless countries. He talked about the regression of national feeling and the belonging to one nation. Political Islam appeared which calls for politicizing religion and religionizing politics. He also talked about Oslo and he pointed out to the difficulty of achieving reconciliation because the agendas are different and they are rather contradictory.
Dr. Mahdi ended his lecture by pointing out that we should not lose hope in a bright future which will be achieved by our children if we cannot achieve it. At the end of the lecture, the audience asked some questions and gave some interpolations.
It is worth mentioning that Al-Liqa’ Center is making preparations for holding the Theology and the Local Church in the Holy Land Conference in its twenty-fourth session. This will be from 1-3 December 2016 at the Grand Park Hotel in Bethlehem, under the title: “Educating on Pluralism in the Palestinian Society.”