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"Al-Liqa'" is the arabic word for "encounter"

by mPeNDayu

“Al-Liqa” is the Arabic word for “Encounter”. It was here, in The Holy Land, that the great Encounter between God and man took place, an Encounter enabling all peoples to communicate with each other.

In the spirit of this Encounter, a local interfaith initiative led to the establishment of “Al-Liqa Center”, a unique place of research, study and dialogue on the religious and cultural traditions, and daily life of the people of the Holy Land and the region.

This Center, which was established in 1982 by a number of Palestinian Muslim and Christian academic and religious leaders, has created a lively dialogue and has fostered understanding between the people of these two religions, Christianity and Islam, and between them and Judaism. In addition, the Center has helped to define the role of the local church and to formulate a Contextualized Theology.

The program includes interfaith and cultural dialogue, Palestinian Contextualized Theology, youth activities, international activities, and the publication of journals, newsletters, books and occasional papers.

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