Message of The Director |
Since its inception thirty-nine years back, Al-Liqa’ Center has been diligently disseminating the culture of dialogue, respect, and co-existence among the followers of different faiths and cultures.
The contemporary world is afflicted by war, sedition, and strife of all kinds, and many nations still suffer under the yoke of military occupation and oppression. Believing in justice, truth, and equality as foundational values for a dignified human life, Al-Liqa’ Center has been advocating and defending individual and public freedoms and democracy as basic prerequisites for respecting religious, political and cultural pluralism. The conferences, studies, workshops, research and publications of Al-Liqa’ Center are significant initiatives pointing in that direction.
The key component of Al-Liqa’ mission is respect for human dignity, diversity, and the beliefs of the other. The center devotes serious and sustained effort to promoting cooperation, solidarity, and unity among the Palestinian people.
During the past decade, insurrections and civil wars broke out in the Arab world resulting in the death and displacement of thousands of innocent civilians, including Christians who were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge and safety in other countries. Al-Liqa’ Center categorically rejects fanaticism, segregation, hatred, and disdain among the Arab people, and calls for openness, equality and tolerance. We, in Al-Liqa’ Center, believe that nation-building starts with building families and raising children on sound and ethical human values. We also believe that the role of the educational institutions should not be limited to the dissemination of knowledge but should also incorporate the enhancement of the spirit of tolerance, acceptance of the other, brotherhood, and sisterhood.
Dr. Yousef Zaknoun
Administration |
Al- Liqa Center Administration Board

Director of Al-Liqa Center
Dr. Yousef Zaknoun
P.O BOX:11328 Jerusalem
Phone: +00972 2742321
Fax: +00972 2750133
Cell: +00972 0526990533

Bishop Dr. Munib Younan – Member of the Board of trustees

Program Coordinator of Al- Liqa Center
Ms. Bernadette Andonia Mourra
P.O BOX:11328 Jerusalem
Phone: +00972 2742321
Fax: +00972 2750133
Cell: +00970 592555026

Ms. Hanadi Soudah Younan – Dean of the faculty of Arts – Bethlehem University – Member of the board of trustees

Dr. Yousef Zaknoun
Ph.D. Philosophy and Psychology – Director

Ms. Bernadette Andonia Mourra – Academic Program Coordinator
Al-Liqa Center for Religious, Heritage & Cultural Studies in The Holy Land
B.O. Box 11328
Al- Quds street 54
Fax: 00972-2-2750133