Home Al-liqa' Archives2013 Citizenship… Christians and Muslims for the Sake of Human Dignity

Citizenship… Christians and Muslims for the Sake of Human Dignity

2-4 July 2013 Meridian Hotel - Amman, Jordan

by mPeNDayu

Under the patronship of Prime Minister ‘Abdallah Al-Nsour of Jordan, the proceedings of the conference on “Citizenship” was inaugurated in Amman which was organized by the Jordanian Center for Researches on Religious Co-Existence between 2 and 4 of July 2013.

Dr. Geries S. Khoury represented Al-Liqa’ Center and was a panelist in “Christian Arabs in the Islamic State.” Conferees from Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan took active part in the proceedings on citizenship, equality, social justice and human rights in our area.

Father Nabil Haddad, Director of the Center, pointed out that the conference stressed on citizenship which respects human dignity based on his humanity and not on his affiliation. All lectures and panels emphasized shared living and in the process pointed out that Jordan presents a honorable pattern of shared living, pluralism and acknowledging the other.

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