On the eving of the 14th of December a distinguished Christmas evening took place which was attended by Christian and Muslim personalities from Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Galilee. Tens of others from all sectors of society joined this celebration.
Dr. Geries S. Khoury inaugurated and moderated this distinguished gathering of talented Palestinians following a brief message of inspiration and meditation. The message to Dr. Geries is a message of hope, love and renewing of faith which is a source of our strength and steadfastness as well as our shared living, both Christian and Muslim, in this Holy Land. He added that the contextual message is aimed at reconciliation between man and God. We hope that we can realize this reconciliation of the two wings of our one people which will only strengthen our Palestinian demand for justice and rights. In case these are not achieved, they will deepen differences between Palstinian believers.
H. B. Patriarch Sabbah focused on the 30 years of the march of Al-Liqa’ Center. We thank God for the thirty years of continuity and hard work. Thank God for all the exerted efforts and for the meeting of the brothers and the thought. We ask for more of these with the help of God… more mercy, faith, and blessings and love in order to continue in our Muslim Christian march in this land of love and dispute at the same time. Let us change this land of dispute to the land of love which will be more attuned with its original mission.
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Zeer of Hebron followed with his Christmas message. This gathering clearly reflects the national meaning of the birth of Christ who has been greatly endowed in the Qur’an along with His mother Mariam.
Christmas carols and chanting were presented by the Melkite Orthodox group of the Nativity Church led by Mr. Lawrance Sammour and by the Syrian Orthodox carol group led by Fr. Butros Ni’meh.
Mrs Luna Juha also sang Christmas carols and chanting. The last presentation was by Dr. Sulaiman Al-Lousi and Mr. ‘Isa Hazboun of the Anabella orchestra who were accompanied by the songs and the wonderful voice of Mr. Lawrance Sammour.
The Evening program included:
A Christmas message of inspiration and meditation: Dr. Geries S. Khoury
Thirty years of Al-Liqa’ March: H. B. Patriarch Michael Sabbah
An Islamic Christmas Message: Sheikh Muhammad Al-Zeer
Christmas carols and chanting: the Melkite Orthodox group of the Nativity Church led by Mr. Lawrance Sammour
Christmas carols: Mrs. Luna Juha
Christmas carols and chanting: the Syrian Orthodox carol group led by Fr. Butros Ni’meh
Anabella Orchestra led by Dr. Sulaiman Al-Lousi and Mr. ‘Isa Hazboun
Christmas carols by Luna Juha